Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Losing Weight with the Atkins Weight Loss Program

Experts are devising different types of diet so people get to achieve their ideal weight. One of many diets one can use today is the Atkins weight loss program. The Atkins weight loss program is known as the low carbohydrates, low fat diet and usually runs for six months.
Those who choose to follow the Atkins weight loss diet are required to reduce their carbohydrate intake to just 30 grams per day. As for fats, they can only eat the healthy type of fat, like omega-3 fatty acids. Atkins dieters are also need to control the amount of calorie they gain from fatty foods to only 30% of their total diet.
The main force behind the Atkins weight loss program is the fact that if the body doesn’t get the necessary fuel it needs from carbohydrates, it would get it from other sources. And as such, it will turn to fats to get the energy it requires.
The Atkins weight loss program is divided into four phases. The first phase is called induction, wherein you get to eat little to no carbohydrates throughout its length. The maximum carbohydrate you can consume is only 20 grams everyday. Phase two is called the 'ongoing weight loss phase'. In this phase, you can slowly put back carbohydrates into your diet. From 20 grams during the induction phase, you can now take as much as 25 grams.

The third phase is the so-called pre-maintenance phase. Here, you do the transition from the loss of the thumb to maintain your weight. During the pre-maintenance phase, you can still agree to your 5 grams carbohydrate, 30 grams daily.
The fourth and final phase is the lifetime maintenance. This is the stage that you all whole. Here you can eat all sorts of foods for as long as you're still watching your carb intake. Ideally you should never more than 30g to 35g at a given moment.
The Atkins weight loss program follows a food pyramid of the things you can eat. Right at the bottom of the food pyramid is the bread, cereals, rice and pasta. You can be as much as 11 to serve this group of foodstuffs, as they account for a large part of your diet.
Vegetables and fruits are placed at the top of the bread and cereal group on the food pyramid. For green leafy vegetables, you can eat as much as 5 servings. For fruit, make sure you eat 2 to 4 servings per day.
Milk, yogurt and cheese are placed above the food and vegetables. They occupy that spot, together with meat and poultry. These groups of foods are good sources of protein and you can eat 2 to 3 servings of each. Fats, oils, and sweets are right on top of the pyramid. There� � � s no required amount for each day. But you are advised to sparingly.
The Atkins weight loss program is one of the most popular diet programs today. If this right, then you can centimeters enough to make your waist look very good, just like you!

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